
A workout for the face

01 August 2011 by Bridget March

Fuse shiatsu, Pilates, facial extraction and oriental massage and what do you get? An alternative to botox and chemical peels.

It's the art form of fascialism created by Taiwanese facialist Su-Man (pictured) who's hybrid beauty treatment is regularly requested by the likes of Hollywood actresses including Anne Hathaway who called it a ‘life-changing experience'.

Naturally, when I heard this I snapped up the next available slot. I felt slightly A-list myself visiting her plush home where she practises out of in a London suburb - and I certainly got the star treatment.

Su-Man's treatment is seriously results-driven; she coaxes the skin to wake up, perk up and plump up. Starting with facial massage she draws on her shiatsu and Pilates expertise, repeating each stroke 36 times to stimulate collagen and blood flow and lift slack muscles.

Next up your face gets a thorough deep cleanse beneath a hot steam machine and there's no holding back in uprooting blackheads and pimples through extraction. Sound uncomfortable? Well it is, but whoever coined the ‘no pain, no gain' mantra probably had incredible skin.

There is some pampering to enjoy though - a soothing mask is applied to feed your skin the nourishment it may be lacking and your neck, head, shoulders, décolletage, arms, hands and feet are massaged in turn. This is certainly not your average facial.

The whole experience was slightly surreal but the results were there to be seen. I was more than happy to be jumping on the tube with no makeup on and at the party I went to later that day I wiped up the complements made about my ‘glowing complexion' and ‘high cheekbones'!

At £120 for a 90 minute appointment it's not cheap but it is good value for money and if you're lucky enough to afford it you won't regret shelling out. I'm with Anne and can't wait to see Su-Man again.

To book Su-Man's Signature Facial email su-man@blueyonder.co.uk