
Su-Man Hsu Facials by Charlotte

Posted on by Charlotte

Su-Man Hsu Facials
Following fifteen years of looking after the kids and not having a huge amount of time or energy to pamper myself, I thought it was time to start getting back into good routines with my skin. I researched the usual glossies for help with the best creams and gadgets to eliminate the dreaded facial lines and whilst googling, found a glowing feature or two on Su-Man Hsu facials. Everyone that had been to Su-Man gave such a great review, I decided to arrange a visit. After an email to ask for an appointment I was soon booked in.

I arrived at Su-Man’s tranquil Crouch End treatment room and after a close examination of my skin, Su-Man set to work. After a steam and a massage to relax my muscles, Su-Man began with extractions before toning and cleansing my face. A mask was gently placed on my skin to soak in, whilst this went to work, my upper body was massaged until all of my muscles were relaxed, this allows chi to flow freely through my facial muscles. The end results were superb, red healthy looking skin and even sparkly eyes… I honestly can not praise the results highly enough and I am looking forward to my next one already. Email su-man@blueyonder.co.uk to book yours!