
Su-Man Hsu Rehearsal Director/Dance Coach (Juliette Binoche)

Su-Man Hsu
Rehearsal Director/Dance Coach (Juliette Binoche)
(updated October 2010)

Su-Man Hsu was born in Taiwan. She studied dance at the National Institute of the Arts in Taipei, continuing her dance education at the school of Pina Bausch – the Folkwang Hochscule in Essen, Germany. Her first professional engagement was with the Ulmer Ballet after which she joined the world-renowned Belgian dance company Rosas, becoming rehearsal director during her final year.

On finishing her dance career she undertook extensive professional training as a shiatsu therapist. She augmented her training with certificated studies in pilates (mat work) and Japanese facial massage. She has a very busy practice in London and a very illustrious client list. In 2005 she was listed in the London Evening Standard as one of the five top facials in London. She started working with Juliette Binoche as her body therapist in 2006, later to become Juliette Binoche’s dance coach in preparation for In-I.

Su-Man Hsu