MIMI ON MAR 14, 2012 AT 3:37 PM
Su-Man Hsu
Looking for a facial that you can see instant results? Su-Man Hsu should be top of your list.
Su-Man combines shiatsu facial massage, collagen pumping, cleansing and nourishing for a one-of-a-kind beauty experience.
Su-Man has an exclusive understanding of her native Taiwan skincare traditions, blending her expertise in shiatsu, Pilates and oriental facial massage to create a facial that doubles as an art form. Originally a dancer and massage therapist, Su-Man has a unique understanding of how your body works and how muscles respond to massage. Her bespoke facial however is not for the faint hearted, or maybe I carry a lot of stress in my face and neck, but as they say no pain no gain!
A facial with Su-Man goes for £200 for 60 minutes at W Hotel. It is less evasive (and less expensive) than Botox, yet still results in beautiful, rejuvenated skin. I’m convinced that regular facials with Su-Man will absolutely help hold off wrinkles and sagging jaw-lines.

AWAY Spa at W Hotel
At each facial, Su-Man begins with an initial skin analysis. She is very thorough and very honest, but she does give you hope and good advice. Weekly facials are also recommended for best results. She then begins with a deep cleanse, utilizing a steaming extraction and exfoliation. The real star turn of this facial is the massage technique that lifts, tones and transforms your face. To soothe skin, Su-Man applies a botanical placenta mask, then finishes the treatment bytoning and moisturizing.
Each massage stroke is repeated 36 times, following the ancient Chinese belief that six is a lucky number and can lead to a state of health and happiness.
The hybrid facial treatment may set you back a few pounds, but it’s worth it. Just take it from her list of A-list clientsclaiming her treatment to be “life-changing.”
“Su-Man uses these techniques bringing muscles to life – a sort of Pilates for the face. Very lucky is the person who can experience a treatment in her hands,” Joely Richardson has said.
Su Man’s facials are £200 for 60 mins at the W hotel and can you contact her for more availability here too facials@su-man.com