
Beauty how to: pre-party facial

Massage your skin before make-up for evening-long radiance.


How to: pre-party facial
How to: pre-party facial Photo: ALAMY

To look your best before an evening event follow this 10-minute face massage routine. It's been developed by the Taiwanese skincare expert Su-man Hsu, who is based in London and whose clients include Juliette Binoche. Repeat each step up to 30 times.

• First, rub the ears with the palms of your hands to generate warmth in the face
• Using a moisturiser or face oil, run the heels of both hands from the chin up to the base of the ear
• Then run the heels of both your hands from the edge of your nostrils, pressing along in one continuous line, underneath the cheekbones up towards the edge of your ears
• Using the middle fingers of both hands, press the area at the very top of your nose, then stroke gently but firmly down towards your nostrils
• Align the fingers of both hands vertically in the centre of your forehead, and draw firmly and smoothly towards the temples
• Finally, tap around the eye sockets with all four fingertips, then tap more forcefully all over your scalp
Do this massage regularly - once a month in your twenties, and weekly from your forties onwards.